Alan Rudson is a hobbyist woodworker in Nanaimo, British Columbia on Vancouver Island.
His interests and experience in woodworking span more than 30 years, with several years being primarily focused on elaborate end-grain cutting boards. Although the initial reaction to these boards is that they look "too good to use," they are treasured and well used by budding and accomplished chefs alike.
Over the past few years Alan has discovered the joy of making wood toy cars and trucks where he's completed projects ranging from simple to elaborate. He is currently motivated to join the many crafters who are working to fill up Christmas and other toy-drive hampers in their community. Alan is busy making dozens of simple wood toy cars for donation to The Great Nanaimo Toy Drive for the 2021 season. He plans to make many more in 2022 for other local and distant charitable organizations.
Please consider supporting Alan Rudson today!